Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Skipping For The Heart Foundation

This term we have been skipping to raise awareness for the heart foundation. We have got loads of different moves including the ski and the bell.We also have one where we stand back to back with one rope and skip over it together sometimes we even try to touch the ground and turn around while skipping.We have a technique where we join our ropes by holding one handle of your rope and holding one handle of your partners rope your partner does this too and then you are linked while you are linked try and skip together if you make a mistake start from the beginning again and see if you can get to the end of your track without making a mistake.We also do double dutch and jumping in.We have really enjoyed doing this in our class and we have learned so much.


  1. Skipping is so much fun and it's a good way to keep fit. You guys have been working hard at improving your skipping. It's great to see you skipping at lunchtimes as well. Mr Lockie

  2. You look like you're really enjoying that skipping, Emily. Keep it up.
    ...and well done on the blogging too.
    Mrs Wilson and I had a play after school to get your photo on the same post as your writing. Hope you don't mind.
    Mrs Wilson will probably show you what to do tomorrow.
    Ms Donnell

  3. It's awesome that you are trying to put forth some awareness. Plus your keeping healthy in the process. There are some many people who are over weight and don't even know it. Skipping (jumping rope) is a sure fire way to keep your heart healthy. Not only that you are having fun while your doing it.
