Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The robot that wanted to be a boy. (creative writing)

Once upon a time on a dark gloomy day, a robot was walking away from home with an unhappy smile on his face. You know he would not cry for it will rust him up in a flash. His heart was hollow, his mind was empty as he said to himself "I wish I could be a real boy". One day he stumbled across an old witches house. He knocked on the witches door and out came the witch all untidyly dressed. The robot said in a voice so soft, "would you be able to turn me into a real boy"? The witch snarled. She thought of a way to trick the robot, she would turn him into a little boy then eat him up. "Yes I can" replied the witch in a delightful way. "Thank you" said the robot. But the owner of the robot was a little boy named Robert he cared for his robot he would tear the world apart looking for his robot. A mile away the witches plan was coming together. The robot was so excited he was shrieking with joy but the witch forgot the words so she needed her magic book. She said in an evil way "Ill be back" but the robot had some suspicion that she was going to eat him then the owner of the robot burst through the door unexpectedly. The owner convinced the robot to come back home. The robot was not easily convinced but he agreed to come home. The witch came out of her bedroom just to see them getting away. As quick as a flash she stopped them from getting out the door but the robot knocked the witch out of the way and smashed the door open so they get out of there. One hour later they got home and the robot promised to stay home.

by Jakob


  1. Hi Jakob, I just discovered the great writing you have been doing and posting on your class blog.
    What a fantastic effort!
    Your story reminds me of two other stories, "Pinocchio" and "The Wizard of Oz".
    In "Pinocchio", there is a puppet who wants to be a real boy and in "The Wizard of Oz", there is a tin man who wants a heart and a wicked witch as well. I wonder if you have read those stories.
    I have been busy today learning about making quality comments on blogs. You might be interested to have a look at this post too.
    Quality Commenting
    Keep up the good work (but make some time to play marimba too).
    Ms Donnell

  2. wow that was great man you did a good job
